Sunday, November 16, 2008

The End.

"you don't really appreciate something until it's gone" man...its crazy how that maxim is so true. I'm realizing how important she was...until now. I messed up and I'm reaping what I sowed. Today at church we had a sermon about going into the wilderness and going through hardships, and through no matter what I should always be thankful and give praise to God. I'm trying to do just that...but it's so hard. Hopefully God has her planned for me later on.dangit is all i can say right now. I really hope this hardship is going to train me for later on...and i know even though i feel so...lonely and by myself God is right next to me with His arm around my shoulder...i love you


Rosana said...

i'm here for you too, maaan<3

dennis mxxn said...

what did i just read

richelle jean said...

um. we need to hang out. i have things to tell you too.

i miss you paul.
things will be okay.